Greg Huber, Ph.D.

Group Leader

Greg Huber is a biophysicist with a background in statistical mechanics, dynamical systems, and soft-matter physics. Prior to joining CZ Biohub SF, he was deputy director of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP). He has researched and taught at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Arizona, University of Chicago, University of Connecticut, University of Massachusetts, and UC Santa Barbara, and he has worked on a range of problems from river networks to the endoplasmic reticulum. At CZ Biohub SF, Huber is starting a world-class theory group, which seeks to deepen our knowledge and control of biological processes, structure, and function through physical and mathematical theory. Research areas include physical models of cellular organelles (architecture, formation, and interactions); modeling of cytoskeletal and organelle networks in the cell; models of molecular ensembles; protein-protein interactions and localization; general stochastic models of dynamics and pattern formation in biological matter; statistical mechanics of cell states and populations; and dynamics and selection of cell populations and lineages during development, tumor growth, and evolution.