Rosío Alvarez, Ph.D.

Vice President, Scientific Compute

Rosío Alvarez is Vice President of Scientific Compute for CZ Biohub San Francisco. Previously, Alvarez was CIO at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for 13 years. In that position, Alvarez served the computational needs of scientists carrying out $1 billion worth of energy research. Their portfolio included business systems, high-performance computing, cybersecurity, and networking.

In 2010, Alvarez was appointed as the senior IT advisor to the Secretary of Energy, and in that role, provided policy development and risk analysis advice for cybersecurity and IT for a $20 billion department. In 2013, Alvarez was appointed by the governor of California and State Controller to chair the State of California Task Force on Re-engineering IT Procurement for its $4.5 billion portfolio.

Previously, Alvarez was associate chancellor for IT at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, overseeing computational services for 30,000 users. Alvarez was also a faculty member in the business schools of the University of Washington and the University of Massachusetts, and has published in leading academic journals.

Photo of Rosío Alvarez, Ph.D.